this weekend i figured out how to read and knit at the same time. i'd heard of other people doing it and it seems like an amazing use of time. i'm working on the breton girl sweater from the fall issue of knitscene. being that it is stockinette (and that i'm knitting it in the round) makes it the perfect project for knitting without looking.

it's taking a bit of getting used to, and both my reading and knitting pace are slower when i'm multitasking, but it's satisfying just the same. hopefully this is one of those things that gets better with practice!
the book i'm reading is called no idle hands: the social history of american knitting. i heard about it from cosymakes, (who referenced it in her graduate thesis, which she so graciously shared with me). reading about the history of knitting at the same time as i'm actually knitting is pretty neat!