here's what i've been doing for the past month - knitting socks!
these i knit with artyarn from a store in providence that went out of business:
they were knit toe up with size four dpns and i think the purling shows off the colors really well. when i look at them i'm reminded of knitting at home with my mom during a snowstorm while our men were out of town. i love these socks so much that i went back and bought the yarn for another pair of socks:

this grey and green merino was all they had left. i wouldn't have chosen it if there was something brighter there but i quite like the colors. these were knit toe up on size 3 dpns and the pattern is my own but was inspired by a pair of socks i admired on flickr.
after finding all sorts of tutorials online i decided to try dyeing my own self striping socks. the yarn is knitpicks sock yarn and the colors are from cherry, grape and ice blue lemonade kool aid. even though eunny's tutorial suggested knitting a swatch and measuring to create stripes of the perfect thickness, i'm not the measuring kind of girl. i realized that no matter how much i measure, my hank was not going to be longer than the distance from one end of my house to the other. so of course i winged it.

the other socks i'm working on are the fishnet stockings from the spring 07 issue of knit.1 magazine:

the yarn is swiss wool from saver's and i'm using dpns in size 3 and 6. the stitches are supposed to zig zag, but i modified the pattern so that one spirals up my leg to the right and the other spirals up to the left.
i actually started these before any of the finished socks above them (they're what inspired all the other toe up knitting that i've been doing). they would be done if i could just get myself to focus on one project but obviously that's pretty much impossible for me.
oma made these socks for me for easter:

i love them! when i was at her house a couple of weeks ago i was going through her scraps of sock yarn and arranging them into piles of colors that i thought would make good socks. she said that the solid colors should be mixed with the striped ones, but i loved the combination of pink, grey and yellow. she remembered that i liked them and made them for me for easter! and they're way cooler than i could ever have imagined. i'm a lucky girl.