i've been on a roll with socks. maybe it's hereditary, since my mom and oma both obsessively knit socks too. i never thought i'd be a sock knitter. i denied my ability to knit for a long time. but i have to admit that it was socks that got me knitting in the first place. when i bought the yarn to make greg's socks i thought that i would crochet them. i quickly realized that knitted socks are far superior to crocheted socks and grudgingly had my mother show me how to knit.

his were the first that i finished. i have to admit that they took me a couple of years (it was not a good idea, knowing my short attention span, to have started my first pair on size zero needles!) the socks were patient, though, as they waited on the needles for me to finish hundreds of other projects.
for my second pair i decided to make some knee socks. they'll be perfect under boots or with ballet flats. it's been super cold lately and i had four balls of this stripey regia yarn. the yarn is six ply so they are very warm. my mom helped me with the math required for adjusting my pattern to accommodate the thicker yarn and to decrease below my calf and transition into my normal sock pattern. they were quick and easy, i even brought them along on a short hike on a springy day last weekend. it was a nice change from knitting on size zero needles!

my third sock project was a pair of baby booties to match the sweater i made for a friend's new baby. i sent the sweater at christmas, but she was born in january so i wanted to send along another little "welcome to the world" treat.

the yarn for both the sweater and the booties is an australian superwash wool that was on sale last summer at Sakonnet Purls. i bought up a whole bunch of it because it seems that there will be a lot of opportunities for baby presents in my future. the pattern for the sweater comes from Adorable Crochet for Babies and Toddlers (which is an amazing book. i've made a few things from it and the title isn't kidding, they really are adorable).
this maryjane bootie pattern comes from an old knitting magazine that i thrifted. it was originally printed in the seventies. for some reason the pattern didn't include gauge so i'm not sure how my version fits (i'm assuming mine come out bigger than they're supposed to because i've noticed my knitting is usually bigger than gauge). i love making these booties. i haven't seen them on, but i think they must look very cute on a tot. how could they not?
on deck i have a pair of lacy thigh high stockings for myself.

i also just ordered some "bare" sock yarn from knitpicks. i would love to try making some self striping sock yarn using one of the tutorials floating around out there. i'll keep you posted!