it's been one of those amazing weekends where i didn't really have to go anywhere. it will be awhile until i have that luxury again.
yesterday i dragged the boy to a church thrift store across the water in tiverton. i like going there every once in awhile becuase they tend to have nice old buttons, trims and craft magazines really really cheap. also, the gang of little old ladies who run it are pretty entertaining.

i also visited my neighbor, katherine, who unloaded an enourmous pile of paper on me. most of it is thicker stock which has already been painted bright colors and will provide me with a lifetime of card making stock. i also have some onionskin for wrapping presents and tissue paper. so exciting! it inspired me to start thinking about this year's christmas card. unfortunately my brainstorming mission began with the obligatory linoleum block carving injury and my middle finger still wont stop bleeding.
today was a wonderful lazy sunday and i got to spend the entire day working on christmas projects that i can't post about.
tonight i went to the starbucks in seekonk for "knitting for the needy". yarn and coffee were provided, with which i started a scarf that will be donated to charity. i took it as an opportunity to try out a new crochet stitch out of the german crochet stitch pattern magazine from oma.