i took a personal day from work today. i haven't taken any time off this summer. my friends from new york are coming up for the weekend. if the weather cooperates, we'll have sailing and wine tasting and other rhode island summer activities.
right now it's raining outside, and that is making me really want to drink tea and crochet instead of cleaning. but i'm being good, sort of. instead of crocheting i'm blogging about crocheting. which is not actually crocheting, but not cleaning the house either.
i decided last night that i need a brown pullover with a low scoop v neck for back to school. it doesn't matter that i don't go to school. it's unfair that once you graduate from college you're no longer allowed to have back to school shopping. because really that's one of the best times of year. so my co-worker and i have decided that our offical work first day of school is monday, september 11th. we're going to wear new outfits and we'll probably take pictures of ourselves. but other than that it will be a normal work day (because it's not like we suddenly want to learn geometry again or anything!) we've been looking forward to back to school for the entire summer. our part time high school student thinks we're crazy, because the last thing she wants in the world is to go back to school in september!
so my back to school project is this sweater. which it will of course be too hot outside to wear, but whatever. that's one of the great things about the first day of school!
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